As our generation is addicted to junk food, some surgical procedures in our mouth may put a temporary stop to the food items. And most of our young generation will be frustrated if they are restricted to take junk food like burgers, pizza, etc. So most of the young do want to know “How Long After Wisdom Teeth Removal can I Eat a Burger?”. Here is the answer to the query

Complications if you are not following diet restriction
It can result in
- Dry socket
- severe throbbing pain
- unpleasant taste and smell from the socket
- exposure of barebone
- infection in the extraction site
- painful swelling
Also Read : When can I Eat solid Food after Wisdom Tooth Removal?
Why you can’t eat Burger after Wisdom Tooth Removal
when can I eat a burger after wisdom teeth removal. After wisdom tooth removal you may feel pain and swelling in the affected area. As a result of swelling, you will not be able to open your mouth as usual. As a result of the difficulty in opening mouth and moreover the pain you may feel if you open your mouth wide, you will be forced not to eat burger until the mouth opening become normal.
Be patient to avoid further complication in future
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